Wiqqy Company


Attention to details

How are world-renowned products created? By attention to details. The hours spent from the concept stage to the finished product all affect the outcome. That is why most people don’t make great products. It takes knowledge, perseverance and passion to be able to constantly improve a product to the point of perfection. We don’t claim that we are there, not even close. But if you join us on our journey towards perfection you will be rewarded by products that you will use and love every day.


Expression is beautiful

We understand that in today’s world it can be hard to express your true self. That is not a small task but we can help you take a small step in the right direction. Our thoughtfully designed collections will give you plenty of choices to customize your pieces of technology. So by expressing yourself with products you love you can make the world a more beautiful place for all of us.

Our brand

Enriching others

Enthusiast or geek? We don’t mind being called either. Our interest in developing technology and design is what makes us never stop searching. If we love something there is a big chance that others will too. So why just enjoy it ourselves. Let’s spread it so that others can enjoy it too.